Three Emerging Trends Worth Following

Ever feel like the world is getting smaller, but advertising experiences are getting bigger? Here are ZED’s top picks for strategies that can help you optimize your brand reach.


1. Big Ginormous Data and Personalization

Thanks to the power of analytics, the customer journey is about to get more specific and personalized than ever before.

Almost everything consumers touch can be used to collect data. And when we say everything, we mean everything—their phones, tablets, computers, smart TVs, home monitoring systems, fitness trackers and even their cars. Using powerful technologies, brands can mine a person’s location, local conditions (weather, traffic, etc.), purchasing history, demographic and more. That data is then used to offer up an uber-personalized and relevant ad.

Although 85 percent of companies say they’re trying to be data-driven, only 37 percent of that number have been successful.

On the flip side, there are dangers to data mining on this scale. Facebook is currently under the microscope for a massive data leak that saw the personal information of 87 million users shared with a political consulting agency.

2. Augmented Reality

Let’s start by going over the difference between VR and AR. Virtual reality is a 360-degree simulated environment that puts the user inside an experience. Augmented reality alters your current environment by adding information to your sightline.

AR is expected to record more spending by 2022, and for good reason. Augmented reality quickly explains what used to be relatively unexplainable in a way that’s fun and interactive. For example, restaurants can show local customers what it’s like to dine with them; clothing brands can give consumers the chance to try on an outfit. But as it stands, just 7 percent of marketers are using the technology.

This year, Apple and Google will go head-to-head with new phones, new cameras and new systems designed to bring a whole new level of AR to the consumers. “AR is big and profound,” Apple chief executive Tim Cook told investors last August. “And this is one of those huge things that we’ll look back at and marvel on the start of it.”

3. Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Co.

Millions of North Americans have invited voice-controlled speakers into their homes. In fact, the voice recognition market is expected to become a $601 million industry by 2019.

What does this mean for advertisers? The SEO game is changing. Instead of crafting content around keywords, we have to look at natural-language questions, like “Alexa, where can I buy vegan cakes?” In fact, common Google voice searches begin with “where” and end with “near me.” If Alexa, for example, can’t connect with your brand, it won’t come up in search results.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As voice recognition evolves, there will be plenty more curve balls to consider. Stay tuned.

Expert advice to send you down the right path

The advertising industry is constantly changing and evolving. That’s why it’s important to seek advice from experts who know the ins and outs of current and even upcoming trends. Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to share (some of) our secrets.